


Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 10-14.30, Evening appointments available on request

What is Reflexology?

Reflexology is a holistic and non-invasive complementary therapy which has been practiced for thousands of years. During a treatment, specific areas of the hands, feet or the face will have gentle pressure applied to help disperse any blockages found in you body’s natural energy.

This gentle therapy can aid better sleep, reduce stress and anxiety, release tension, improve mood, support health and wellbeing and provide relaxation and a little time out from our busy lives.

So what does a Reflexologist actually do??

Your body has been mapped out on your hands, feet and your face and these areas are called reflexes. A reflex on the hand, foot or face will correspond to a particular area or organ within your body. 

Your hands and feet can then be sectioned into 10 vertical pathways or zones and it is along these zones that a blockage may appear which results in interruption of the flow of natural energy causing internal systems to be unbalanced sometimes resulting in physical symptoms.

A reflexologist is trained to feel for reflexes which are ‘out of balance’ and then work that reflex using a series of techniques including finger walking, hook and backup or holding to help the organ or area within the body rebalance.

Your body is an amazing machine which keeps itself in balance throughout the day without you even realising. There are many different reasons why our bodies will be out of balance such as not getting enough sleep, not drinking enough water, or taking enough exercise. Stress and anxiety can also have a profound effect on our bodies and if they aren’t addressed, prolonged stress and anxiety can make us very unwell.

There are many reasons someone will visit a reflexologist, some are curious about reflexology, some have had reflexology for many years and know the benefits of having regular treatments, some find the relaxation they receive from reflexology helps to manage their busy lives. 

There are many benefits to hand, foot or facial reflexology but each benefit is unique to you because each treatment is unique because you are unique.