


Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 10-14.30, Evening appointments available on request

What is Menopause?

What is Perimenopause?

What is the difference between menopause and perimenopause?

Can reflexology support women who are perimenopausal and those who are in menopause?

Menopause is the natural end to a woman’s menstrual cycle. It is when the ovaries stop producing eggs and the levels of the hormones oestrogen and progesterone decrease.

Menopause usually begins between the ages of 45 and 55 however there are some women who will experience early menopause due to a number of different reasons such as early hormone decreases, surgery to remove the ovaries after a cancer diagnosis or chemically induced menopause due to conditions such as Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD).

How do I know I am in menopause?

Most women will experience symptoms and will have been experiencing symptoms for a few years but menopause is usually only diagnosed once there has been no period for 12 consecutive months. The average age on onset in the UK is 51yrs.

But what if you aren’t in menopause but are experiencing some menopausal symptoms?

This usually means that you are in perimenopause.

What is the difference between Perimenopause and Menopause?

Premenopause or Perimenopause is the period of time leading up to menopause and generally begins between the ages of 40 – 50yrs.

The average length of time perimenopause will last is about 4 years but this will vary from person to person as will symptoms vary too.

Perimenopause will last until there has been no period for 12 consecutive months then you will be classified as being in menopause.

Perimenopause/Menopause Symptoms

The list of symptoms of perimenopause and menopause can feel endless. There are many who experience only a few, mild symptoms and there are others who’s symptoms can be extremely intense and life limiting.

Below are a few of the most common perimenopause/menopause symptoms

  • Hot flushes
  • Night sweats
  • Mood swings
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Poor Concentration/poor memory
  • Weight gain
  • Stress
  • Hair Loss
  • Facial Hair
  • Migraines
  • Achy muscles and joints
  • Dizziness

What can I do to support my perimenopause or menopause journey?

There are a number of things you can look at which can help support your menopause journey.

Lifestyle – Making small, sustainable changes to your lifestyle can have a beneficial effect on your symptoms.

Speak to your GP about your symptoms. Is HRT an appropriate treatment for you?

Reflexology for Menopause – Reflexology can support you through your perimenopause, menopause journey and beyond as it aims to optimise your physical and emotional wellbeing.

Reflexology for Menopause Support Research

Below is some links to research papers which looked into how reflexology can support perimenopausal and menopausal women.

The effects of Reflexology on sleep disorder in menopausal women

This study was a blind randomised controlled trial with 100 post menopausal women using reflexology vs foot massage.

The study determined ‘Reflexology is effective in improving of sleep disorder and hot flushes in menopause’.

The effects of reflexology applied to women aged between 40 and 60 on vasomotor complaints and quality of life.

This study looked at the effect reflexology had on vasomotor symptoms. Vasomotor symptoms are hot flushing and sweats.

The study was a randomised control trial of 120 women receiving reflexology vs foot massage, having a total of 12 sessions (twice weekly for 6wks).

It concluded that reflexology can be effective in decreasing vasomotor problems and increasing quality of life in the menopausal period.

The effects of reflexology on depression during menopause: A randomised controlled clinical trial

This trial looked at the effect reflexology had in 90 women with depression.

The participants received a 30min reflexology treatment in the evening, twice a week for 6wks.

The study concluded ‘The findings indicated that the foot reflexology technique can be effective for reducing women’s depression during menopause. However, considering the study’s limitations, including a small sample size and no intervention in the control group, more studies are needed to verify the findings.

Reflexology for Menopause at Rowan Tree Therapies

What can you expect from a Reflexology for Menopause treatment at Rowan Tree Therapies?

Each Reflexology for Menopause treatment is unique because, while some women will have similar symptoms, your menopause is unique to you.

We will take some time to discuss your symptoms and the affect they are having on your health and wellbeing.

This enables me to tailor a treatment plan specifically for you.

Prior to your treatment you will receive an electronic booklet which will give you some information about perimenopause and menopause. It includes health and wellbeing information and the effects some lifestyle changes can have on your symptoms.

Reflexology for Menopause appointments are 1 hour and £35/hr

If you are interested in finding out more about perimenopause or menopause, or would like to book at treatment please contact me on 07450958529

I look forward to hearing from you and supporting you through this next chapter of your life